Beethoven and His Contemporaries, Vol 2 concert. Performed 2020 at the Schlosstheater Schwetzingen. Bernhard Forck conducts the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. Directed for TV by Alexander Radulescu; produced for TV by Harald Letfus. Released 2021, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
The program follows:
Luigi Cherubini, Lodoïska - Overture
Étienne-Nicolas Méhul, Symphony No. 1
Beethoven Symphony No. 5
Ignaz Holzbauer, Symphony in E flat major
Justin Heinrich Knecht, Symphony in G major: Le Portait musical de la Nature, ou Grand Simphonie.
Beethoven Symphony no. 6
Here’s a trailer for Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Alas, there are strong suggestions here of DVDitis throughout: