Beethoven Symphony No. 9 concert. Other music in the program:
Beethoven Coriolan Overture,
Christian Jost Fanfare (for 9 brass commissioned by the Graffenegg Festival)
Jost An die Hoffnung (for voice and orchestra, also commissioned by the Graffenegg Festival)
Yutaka Sado conducts, at the 2016 Graffenegg Festival, the Tonkunster Orchestra, 24 alumni of the European Union Youth Orchestra, and the Weiner Singverein (Chorus Master Johannes Prinz). Soloists are Camilla Nylund (soprano), Elena Zhidkova (mezzo-soprano), Klaus Florian Vogt (tenor), and René Pape (baritone). Directed for TV by Karina Fiibich. Released in 2017, disc has 5.0 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
We already have about 8 Blu-rays of the Beethoven Symphony No. 9 by the best orchestras recorded at world-class indoor venues. So why would one try to publish a B9 recording made at an out-of-doors venue where there are always daunting challenges for both the audio and video technicians? Well here there were at least 2 world premieres. But as Peter Quantrill points out in the August 2017 Gramophone (pages 31-33), the premiere of An die Hoffnung was marred when "stadium-styled amplification does some frightful things to Klaus Florian Vogt's tenor." Quantrill goes on to say, "Given Vogt's rueful smiles at the end, the evening may not be one he would gladly relive, and I feel likewise."