Wagner Der Fliegende Holländer opera to a libretto by the composer. Directed 2010 by Martin Kušej at De Nederlandse Opera. Stars Robert Lloyd (Daland), Catherine Naglestad (Senta), Marco Jentzsch (Erik), Marina Prudenskaja (Mary), Oliver Ringelhahn (Daland's Steersman), and Juha Uusitalo (Holländer). Harmut Haenchen conducts the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and the Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera (Chorus Master Martin Wright). Set design by Martin Zehetgruber; costumes by Heide Kastler; lighting by Reinhard Traub; dramaturgy by Sebastian Huber. Directed for TV by Joost Honselaar; TV recording produced by Coby Van Dijck. Sung in German. Released 2011, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: B+
Wonk Gordon Smith and his L'OperaDou Jury awarded a "B+" to this Der Fliegende Holländer. Gramophone in July 2011 warmly praised this title in its "Super Audio Corner."
Here's an interesting clip from this disc with subtitles in Dutch: