Richard Strauss Die Frau ohne Schatten opera to a libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Directed by Christof Loy at the 2011 Salzburg Festival. Stars Stephen Gould (Emperor), Anne Schwanewilms (Empress), Michaela Schuster (Nurse), Wolfgang Koch (Barak, the Dyer), Evelyn Heritzius (Barak's Wife), Markus Brück (One-Eyed Man), Steven Humes (One-Armed Man), Andreas Conrad (Hunchback), Thomas Johannes Mayer (Spirit Messenger), Rachel Frenkel (Voice of the Falcon), Peter Sonn (Apparition of a Youth), Maria Radner (Voice from Above), Christina Landshamer (Guardian of the Threshold of the Temple/First Servant), Lenneke Ruiten (Second Servant), Martina Mikelić (Third Servant), Hanna Herfurtner and others named above are Solo Voices and Voices of Unborn Children. Actors are Albin Frahamer, Daniel Heck, Philipp Kranjc, Paul Krook, Vivien Löschner, Sabine Muhar, Christoph Quest, Barbara Spitz, Klaus Wetzlinger, and Peter Wurzer. Dancers are Maria Gruber, Christina Kantsel, Liliya Markina, Julia Rath, Andrea Schalk, and Marena Weller. Children are portrayed by Ben Badura, Kim Viviane Binding, Felix David, Elias Kurzmann, Gabriel PSorry, all the YouTube clips are poor-quality SD.Sorry, all the YouTube clips are poor-quality SD.aulus, Lukas Parandian, Jonathan Seißler, Leoni Ruhland, and Sophia Ruhland. Christian Thielemann conducts the Vienna Philharmonic, the Vienna State Opera Chorus (Chorus Master Thomas Lang), and the Salzburg Festival Children's Choir (Chorus Master Wolfgang Götz) and members of the Angelika-Prokopp-Sommerakademie of the Vienna Philharmonic. Stage design by Johannes Leiacker; costume design by Ursula Renzenbrink; lighting design by Stefan Bolliger; dramatic advisory by Thomas Jonigk; choreography by Thomas Wilhelm. Directed for TV by Karina Fibich; produced for Blu-ray by James Whitbourn. Sung in German. Released 2012, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA