Britten Gloriana opera to a libretto by William Plomer. Directed 2013 by Richard Jones at the Royal Opera House. Stars Susan Bullock (Queen Elizabeth I), Toby Spence (Earl of Essex), Patricia Bardon (Countess of Essex), Mark Stone (Lord Mountjoy), Kate Royal (Lady Rich), Jeremy Carpenter (Sir Robert Cecil), Clive Bayley (Sir Walter Raleigh), and Brindley Sherratt (Ballad Singer). Paul Daniel conducts the Royal Opera Orchestra (Concertmaster Peter Manning) and Chorus (Chorus Director Renato Balsadonna and Chorus Master Stephen Westrop). Designs by ULTZ; lighting by Mimi Jordan Sherin; Choreography by Lucy Burge. Directed for TV by Robin Lough. Sung in English. Released 2013, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA