Gaspare Spontini La fuga in maschera opera to a libretto by Giuseppe Palomba. Directed 2012 by Leo Muscato at the Festival Pergolesi e Spontini in Jesi, Italy. Stars Ruth Rosique (Elena), Caterina Di Tonno (Olimpia), Alessandra Marianelli (Corallina), Clemente Daliotti (Nardullo), Filippo Morace (Marzucco), Alessandro Spina (Nastagio) and Dionigi D’Ostuni (Doralbo). Corrado Rovaris conducts I Virtuosi Italiani. Sets by Benito Leonori; costumes by Giusi Giustino; lighting by Alessandre Verazzi. Directed for video by Tiziano Mancini. Sung in Italian. Released 2014, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
According to Hugo Shirley, writing in the October 2014 Gramophone at pages 93-94, La fuga in maschera premiered in 1800 in Naples and then was lost until rediscovered in 2007. He praises the singers, makes excuses for I Virtuosi Italiani, and states that the director does a "reasonably good job, clearly on a budget, of presenting the work's convoluted plot—a mixture of stock characters falling for the wrong people, deceptions, buffoonery, confusion and, after a play-within-a-play, reconciliation and coupling-off of the principals."