Wagner Parsifal opera to a libretto by the composer. Directed 2014 by Stephen Langridge at the Royal Opera House. Stars Simon O'Neill (Parsifal), René Pape (Gurnemanz), Angela Denoke (Kundry/Voice from Above), Gerald Finley (Amfortas), Willard W. White (Klingsor), Robert Lloyd (Titurel), David Butt Philip (First Knight), Charbel Mattar (Second Knight), Dusiča Bjeli (First Squire), Rachel Kelly (Second Squire), Sipho Fubesi (Third Squire), Luis Gomes (Fourth Squire), and Celina Byrne, Kiandra Howarth, Anna Patalong, Anna Devin, Ana James, Justina Gringyte (Flowermaidens). Antonio Pappano conducts the Royal Opera Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera House (Concert Master Peter Manning). Designs by Alison Chitty; lighting design by Paul Pyant; movement by Dan O’Neill; video design by Thomas Bergmann and William Bramsche. Directed for TV by Jonathan Haswell. Sung in German. Released 2014, disc claims 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
Here are two official clips from Opus Arte. The first gives you a brief idea about the style of this production (great flower maidens). The second clip has 10 chapters and tells you all that Opus Art knows to say about this production: