[Caution. PR from Challenge Records on this is fragmentary and confusing. This Dutch National Opera Parsifal was directed by Pierre Audi first in 2012, and the show was reprised in 2016 with many singers appearing in both productions. The front cover art might be from 2016. But it appears this recording is of the 2012 show.]
Wagner Parsifal opera to a libretto by the composer. Directed 2012 by Pierre Audi at the Dutch National Opera. Stars Alejandro Marco-Buhrmester (Amfortas), Mikhail Petrenko (Titurel/Klingsor), Falk Struckmann (Gurnemanz), Christopher Ventris (Parsifal), Petra Lang (Kundry), Jean-Léon Klosterman (First Knight of the Grail), Roger Smeets (Second Knight of the Grail), Lisette Bolle, Rosanne van Sandwijk, Erik Slik, Jeroen de Vaal (4 Esquires), Lisette Bolle, Inez Hafkamp, Tomoko Makuuchi, Rosanne van Sandwijk, Oleksandra Lenyshyn, Melanie Greve (6 Flower Maids), and Marieke Reuten (Voice from Above). Iván Fischer conducts the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Choir of the Dutch National Opera (Chorus Master Martin Wright), and the "Kickers" of the Waterland Youth Music School (Chorus Master Lorenzo Papolo). Set design by Anish Kapoor; costume design by Christof Hetzer; lighting design by Jean Kalman; movement by Gail Skrela; dramaturgy by Klaus Bertisch. Directed for TV by Misjel Vermeiren. Sung in German. Released 2017, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
Mike Ashman in the August 2017 Gramophone (page 92) approves of this disc as follow: "Well filmed and recorded, this is an essential purchase for Lang and for Audi's direction, a straight but strong rival to existing competition from Barenboim/Kupfer and Nagano/Lehnhoff." Ashman believes that Wagner did not intend for Parsifal to be a Christ figure. Those who see this opera as a Christian allegory will perhaps reject this production as did at least 2 articulate Amazon customers who wrote damning reviews.
Below is a clip that appears to be from the 2012 performance. (There are other new-looking and prettier clips that maybe were made in 2016.)