Quasthoff Sings Mahler concert. Zubin Mehta conducts the Staatskapelle Dresden in 2010 at the Semperoper. Features baritone Thomas Quasthoff. Here is the program:
Mahler Kindertotenlieder — Quasthoff
Webern Six Pieces for Orchestra
Strauss Also sprach Zarathustra
Released 2021, disc has 5.0 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: D
H’m. This looks unappealing. It was recorded 10 years ago, lasts only 73 minutes, no videographer is credited, the title is a bit misleading, and the photos on the back of the keepcase look washed out. There is a YouTube clip available under the MonardaArts label that appears to be this program. The clip has been viewed about 8,500 times in nine years, and has received no comments. It suggests that this title has a strange orange tint throughout. Looks like Arthaus picked this up as distress merchandise. We give this a D grade—warning that you should not buy this unless you have a good special reason. If someone will show support for this item, we would consider a higher grade.
Here’s the trailer: