Renée Fleming In Concert two-disc box set, released 2017. Christian Thielemann conducts both concerts. Both discs have already been reported on this website, and you can get more details by using the links provided:
1. Richard Strauss: Renée Fleming In Concert. Vienna Philharmonic. 2011. (Grade: D+)
"Befreit" ("Released")
"Winterliebe" ("Winter Love")
"Traum durch die Dämmerung" ("Dream at Dusk")
"Gesang der Apollopriesterin" ("Song of the Priestess of Apollo")
"Mein Elemer!" ("My Elmer" from the opera Arabella)
Eine Alpensinfonie
2. Bruckner Symphony No. 7 & Wolf Lieder. Dresden Staatskapelle. 2012. (Grade: NA)
Hugo Wolf songs: "Verborgenheit", "Er ist's", "Elfenlied", "Anakreon's Grab", and "Mignon" (Second Verson)
Richard Strauss "Befreit"
Bruckner Symphony No. 7