Schumann Complete Symphonies:
Symphony No. 1 "Spring"
Symphony No. 2
Symphony No. 3 "Rhenish"
Symphony No. 4
In 2018, Christian Thielemann conducts the Staatskapelle Dresden at the Suntory Hall, Tokyo. Directed for TV by Akira Miki. Released 2019, disc has 5.0 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
Print critics who saw this live or listened to the CDs say the Staatskapelle Dresden provided, as one would expect, a very decent rendition of all the symphonies in Thielemann’s grand, romantic style. Unitel/C major put out PR stating this was originally shot in 4K at 60 fps. This might suggest that video content may have been shot for HDVD, i.e., free of DVDitis.
But the original file got diluted in post-production to (1) a 2K (1080i) Blu-ray and (2) a DVD. So buyer beware until we get a report whether the video is contaminated with DVDitis. There are many fine recordings of this music on LPs and CDs, etc. What the world needs now is a good performance in a video that takes full advantage of modern HD recording capabilities. There’s always hope. And we note that this title got a Diapason d’Or award for video in February 2020.