Steven Kazuo Takasugi Sideshow concert. Directed 2018 by Steven Kazuo Takasugi and performed by the Talea Ensemble in New York. The Talea Ensemble features Barry J. Crawford (flute/piccolo), Rane Moore (clarinet), Ryan Muncy (alto saxophone), Alex Lipowski (percussion/vocals), Stephen Gosling (piano), Yuki Numata Resnick (violin), Elizabeth Helgeson (viola), Chris Gross (cello), and David Adamcyk (electronics). Production supervisor was Brent Ness; audio production assistant was Sam Torres; audio production by David Adamcyk; video production by Four/Ten Media; cinematography by Evan Chapman and Kevin Eikenberg. Also features 46 minutes of interviews with the composer and the players. Released 2018, disc has stereo sound only. Grade: NA
This is a modern piece in five movements based on the sideshows of Coney Island in the early 20th century. The concert also acts as a performance art piece; the players all act strangely and contort their faces to match the mood of the music.
We rarely link to the outside world, but here’s the Sideshow keepcase booklet for your edification (don’t blame us if the link gets broken).
Here is a clip from the Talea Ensemble:
You can purchase the disc directly from Kairos.
But shop around. It might be cheaper through Amazon or Presto.