Alfred Eschwé conducts the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra for its 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Golden Hall of the Musikverein, 2016. The concert is as follows:
Johann Strauss II “Ouvertüre” zur Operette Waldmeister (“Overture” to the operetta Waldmeister [Woodruff)
Johann Strauss II “Neues Leben” (Polka) (“New Life”)
Johann Strauss II “Die Bajadere” (Polka) (“The Bayadere”)
Josef Strauss “Dorfschwalben aus Österreich” (Waltz) (“Village Swallows from Austria”)
Josef Strauss “Die tanzende Muse” (Polka Mazur) (“The Dancing Muse”)
Josef Strauss “Vélocipède” (Polka schnell) (“Velocipide”)
Josef Strauss “Transactionen” (Waltz) (“Transactions”)
Johann Strauss II “Ouvertüre” zur Operette Carneval in Rom (“Overture” to the operetta Carnival in Rome).
Johann Strauss II “Geschicten aus dem Wienerwald” (Waltz) (“Tales from the Vienna Woods”)
Johann Strauss II “Perpetuum mobile” (Musical Joke) (“Perpetual Motion”)
Johann Strauss II “Martha-Quadrille” (“Martha Quadrille”)
Johann Strauss II “Klipp-Klapp” (Galop) (“Click-Clack”)
Johann Strauss II “Kaiser-Walzer” (“Emperor Waltz’)
Johann Strauss II “Éljen a Magyár!”) (Polka schnell) (“Hurrah for Hungary”)
Johann Strauss I “Radetzky-Marsch” (“Radetzky March”)
Directed for video by Karina Fibich. Released 2019, the Blu-ray disc has 5.1 Dolby Digital sound. Grade: NA
We usually exclude programs this light. But this is special occasion with a band that’s probably as good as it gets for this kind of show.