Wagner The Bayreuth Edition box set with 6 operas performed at the Bayreuth Festival. Below are the titles. Each of them has already been reported on this website, and you can get more details by using the links provided:
Der Fliegende Holländer. 2014. (Grade NA)
Tannhäuser. 2015. (Grade NA)
Lohengrin. 2011. (Grade NA)
Die Walküre. 2011. (Grade C+)
Tristan und Isolde. 2010. (Grade D)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. 2010. (Grade B)
Released 2015, there are 8 Blu-ray discs in this set with a running time of 24 hours, 18 minutes of opera plus 1 hour, 21 minutes of bonus material. Disc have 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA