Bruckner Symphony No. 4 ("Romantic") and Symphony No. 7 concert. Christian Thielemann conducts the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra at Baden-Baden (No. 4 in 2009 and No. 7 in 2007). Directed for TV by Agnes Méth. Released 2013, disc has 5.1 dts-HD Master Audio sound. Grade: NA
Christian Hoskins, writing in the February 2017 Symphony No. 4 ("Romantic") and Symphony No. 7 Gramophone (page 31) complains of Agnes Méth's "rather restive directorial style." H'm, sounds like a case of DVDitis. These recordings were made at the dawn of the HDVD age when TV directors were still learning how to take better advantage of HD video after years of making DVDs. Still, Hoskins prefers this recording to a similar one made by Thielemann years later in 2015, in part because this disc has 2 symphonies instead of just 1.