A Britten Collection box set has five operas previously published by Opus Arte. Four of them have already been reported on this website, and you can get more details by using the links provided:
Death in Venice. (Grade NA) This has been lavishly praised by the print critics.
Gloriana. (Grade NA) Customer reviews are split down the middle — half love and half hate — on this radical treatment of an obscure opera.
Billy Budd. (Grade A+) Superb production of an all-male sailor story.
Peter Grimes. (Grade NA) This has also been enthusiastically received by the print critics.
Rape of Lucretia. (We excluded this. It was originally made in 2001 as a SD video with stereo sound and was later republished as a 1080 video with engineered surround sound. We give Opus Arte full credit for disclosing this provenance in their advertisements.)
Released 2015. It seems we have 3 strong titles here and 2 odd-ball items. You do the math.